Norberto Oropez, L.Ac., PhD.
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

Dr. Oropez's experience with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for Fertility and Pain Management is extensive in both Eastern and Western medicine. He has worked with numerous Western Medicine M.D.'s for many years assisting them with procedures for infertility and female problems. He has been involved with such procedures as breast ultrasound, breast biopsy, abdomen ultrasound, pelvic ultrasound, sonohysterograms, hysterosalpinograms and many other procedures. In Pain Management procedures for vertebroplasty, spinal fusions, spinal injections, and radio frequency nerve lesioning for pain relief.

He is certified by the State of California and Registered Nationally by The American Registry of Radiology Technology. His Radiology education and internship was obtain from U.C.L.A. He also has a B.S. degree in Health and Safety from C.S.U.L.A. and an M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology. With a teaching certificate from University of Maryland.

In Eastern Medicine his area of concentration is in Fertility/Infertility and Pain Management with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The last fifteen years experience, concentrating only on Fertility Treatments. Obtained a Masters of Oriental Medicine degree from Dongguk Royal University, School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture in Los Angeles, CA. Has taken numerous post graduate courses in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for fertility/ infertility. And is licensed by the State of California as an L.Ac. to practice Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. In addition he is a National Board Certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

As a physician for Fertility/Infertility with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, East meets West with Dr. Oropez. You can be sure that your Fertility/ Infertility needs, will be taken care of by someone who is very qualified. He boasts an impressive 40 years of combined experience in both Western and Eastern Medicine. His distinguished status as a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture is a testament to his dedication and proficiency in the domain. But,what truly sets Dr. Oropez apart is his holistic approach to fertility. Drawing from his unique background in both eastern and western fertility modalities. He offers patients a comprehensive pathway tailored to their individual needs. By bridging the gap between two distinct medical worlds. Dr. Oropez provides an integrated and potent approach, ensuring his patients receive the best possible care on their fertility journey.

Our Pasadena, CA office serves the Los Angeles, and surrounding areas. Call (626) 975-1142 for additional information or appointment.